Reacting to the ongoing soeculations of her rumoured affairs with a married man, Kelvin Anene. The Ex-big brother nails housemate and reality star Maria Chike has taken to her Twitter account to address the issue.
She explained that she didn’t ruin or snatch anybody’s husband and has since kept quite for the good of everyone.
In her own words:
“My Dear Nigerians,I understand we live in such a hypocritical world and everyone is a saint unless you’re in the public eye then your shi* stinks the most.I adore marriage and wish all those in a HAPPY marriage nothing but luck,I love and respect the idea of one man to one woman
if I ever got married I wouldn’t want to get a divorce,I would try to make everything work, but our modern age keeps proving the old fairy tale of our ancestors are no longer a thing of bliss. The likes of Hale berry, Kim , Jlo etc, keep proving that if you aren’t happy,
you have the God given right to leave AFTER you’ve tried your best to make it work. I dislike failure and wouldn’t want to fail in marriage. Dating is as amazing as marriage, as long as two people are true to each other that’s all that matters in my opinion.
And I’m going to address this once and only this once, I’ve been quite on the whole husband snatcher issue, I DID NOT ruin any home, my silence is for the best of so many people involved. That I haven’t said my peace doesn’t make me weak, I am respecting so many people involved
and their privacy, And for the rumours of me sleeping with several married men including a pastor 😂, WE both laughed at it cause we literally breathe each other’s air day in day out and no room for dishonesty. When and if I ever start doing “runs”
not that I have any intentions of this or knock any one off their hustle but my man does look after me and my family are also very much okay to look after me and I work my ass off to look after myself.
And also if I ever chop breakfast I’ll chop it with ice cream
Cause this is life But I’ll always be happy that’s a given and I promise myself that on this Gods given earth. But for now I just want to dance under the sunset make nobody stop my enjoyment”
Recall that, the reality star had earlier on been called out by Cubana Chiefpriest for allegedly snatching his sister’s husband and ruining her marriage. He went on further to accuse Maria Chike of sending threats to his sister as well.
He wrote:
“@grandfish1 @lam_lolofish_27 I Get Dollars For You, i Get Pounds For You, There Is Nothing Sweeter Than Family, Wives Stay Woke Girls Like @mariachikebenjamin Are Coming For Your Husbands, She Stole My Sisters Husband As If That’s Not Enough She Is Sending Her Thrasts, That i Won’t Let It Slide, Kelvin i Dey Find Una Come That Dubai Nothing Must Happen To My Sister”
In another Tweet, he wrote:
“@manachikebenjamin How On Earth Wil You [email protected] A Married Woman Who Has A Male N Female Offspring To Leave Her Husband For You Or Die, You Dey Show Person Husband Watch N Car To Pepper Her, Kelvin”
See the post below:
My Dear Nigerians,I understand we live in such a hypocritical world and everyone is a saint unless you’re in the public eye then your shi* stinks the most.I adore marriage and wish all those in a HAPPY marriage nothing but luck,I love and respect the idea of one man to one woman
— Maria Chike Benjamin$ 🦋 (@MariaChike) July 3, 2022