Last night in the Big brother naija all stars show, Ceec spoke ill of Alex, according to Ceec, Alex never wanted her to shine, Alex intentionally never wanted her to showcase her talent during their weekly tasks.
Ceec’s speech got Alex fans irritated and annoyed, many who had already voted Ceec regretted and also planned how to make their votes invalid by using same devices to give extra votes.
Some comments online:
Alex fans that already voted for Ceec chasing Deloitte to collect their votes back after hearing how Ceec completely destroyed Alex this evening.
If you know youve voted for that short put, listen its not too late. Just pick up the devices and do two more votes each with the same devices and your vote automatically becomes invalid. Lets all be wicked tighter together.
Spartans! Ceec has lost 10 million alliance votes tonight. How do we make it up, pls go and vote oooo.
If youre an unusual and you vote ceex, then you hate Alex
Ceec really needs to learn how and when to talk and when not, just when it’s like we’re gathering more fans from other fanbase, she use her mouth destroy it all. I’m really unhappy tbh. Same thing happened last season, feel really disappointed 😔
I hope when she comes out of the house you people, her family and friends can teach her when to talk and not. Also teach her a little pretense, very important. All these she doesn’t pretend blablanla is the reason she opens her mouth waaaaaaa…..last night was messy, a very important week of voting for that matter. I’ve lost confidence in her winning the show
See video below: