
Just Like Jesus Walked On Water, Evangelist Shows ‘Proof’ That He Can Walk On Air

A viral video on social media shows a pastor demonstrating his supernatural ability to walk on air.

According to reports, the man of God claimed that he could walk on air, just as Jesus did in the Bible.

He decided to film himself performing the aeronautical suspension miracle to prove to those who questioned him.

He could be seen walking down the stairs with his hands raised in the air in the video, and just as he reached the last step, the camera angle zoomed in on his feet, which were not touching the ground.

His entire body was not shown during the act of ‘walking on air’ but it seemed he was held up by something to give the impression that he was suspended above ground.

Social media users made fun of the clergyman and shared memes which depicted that they did not believe he performed any miracle.

Watch the video below:

In other related news, a lady has shared a sad story about her aunt passing away as a result of taking a spiritual approach to a health challenge that required medical care.

She said that the woman had cancer and she was discouraged by her pastor from seeking medical attention.

According to the niece known as @ebs_the_great on Twitter, the cleric would put anointing oil on her forehead while she was bedriddedn at home.

She said that it continued like that until her mum kicked down the room door and found her terminally ill aunt lying almost totally unconscious, so she called an ambulance.

@ebs_the_great explained that the woman died after a year and she blamed the church for what happened.

The post reads; “My Aunt was discouraged from seeking medical attention for months by her church leader and she was so sick. He would go and put anointing oil on her at home, where she was bedridden. She was really close to my Mum and we always used to be at her house. She avoided my Mum for time until my Mum literally kicked down her door one day.

She found my aunt barely conscious and called an ambulance. It was aggressive breast cancer. She died within about a year (went into remission but came back). She suffered so much and my 10 yr old cousin lost his Mum.

I think churches and these faith preachings are so dangerous. I really do. For that church leader to be going to the house and seeing my Aunt in that condition and rubbing oil on her? Her life was a mere experiment for him, and he didn’t give a fxxk.

Forgot to mention, the discouragement she got from seeking medical attention was in the form of a spiritual/prophetic message. An ‘instruction’ that she must not go to any hospital or speak to any doctor.”

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