
“Jenni O Is The Only Person Who Frowns When Cooking”, Miracle Complains To His Fellow Housemates, Hoh, Tsatsi Reacts

Few hours ago, Miracle complained to his fellow housemates that it is only Jenni O that complains whenever she is cooking.

Miracle also said that Jenni O’s manner of approach whenever she is cooking is not good stating that whenever other housemates cook they are always happy.

In his words;

The only person that complains when we are in the kitchen is Jenni o”.

“My mother taught me how to cook and I cannot be disrespected because of food “.

“I know how to make my food”.

“Every other person in the house cooks and they have smile on their face and they always have joy when they do it”.



Reacting to this, the head of house , Tsatsi called for a meeting to resolve the beef between miracle and Jenni o that they always insult each other.

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